urbanism with a focus on public space design, we design spaces and make films about places

Schalkwijk Commons

Schalkwijk Commons


An integrated neighbourhood strategy for this city district in Haarlem developed around 5 themes. Each theme addresses a common typology of building or public space typical to post-war districts in The Netherlands. The micro-strategies when scaled up can deliver real transformative change within these neighbourhoods. Helping them to integrate and connect solutions for the transition to a zero-carbon future.


Green Connectors

Everyday Sport and Play

Transformation of existing buildings

Densification and Diversity of Housing

Neighbourhood Social Condensors


Project Presentation


Type: Urban Research, Vision Neighbourhood Transformation

Date: 2021

Client: Gemeente Haarlem, Pre-Wonen

Collaborators: AP+E, Waag - Commons Lab

Team: Daryl Mulvihill, Emanuela Schrione

Status: Complete